Ουρολόγος - Ανδρολόγος Γιαννίτσας Κωνσταντίνος

Τηλέφωνο 2610620013
Κιν. 6970914863


1. Combination treatment with an a-blocker plus an anticholonergic improves quality of life in patients with bladder outlet obstruction. A prospective, randomized, controlled study.

Athanasopoulos, K. Gyftopoulos, K. Giannitsas, J Fisfis, P. Perimenis, G. BarbaliasJournal of Urology, 169:2253- 2256, 2003

2. Reasons for and Against Use of Non-absorbable, Synthetic Mesh During Pelvic Organ Prolapse Repair, According to the Prolapsed Compartment.

Kontogiannis S, Goulimi E, Giannitsas K.Adv Ther. 2016 Oct 18.

3. Existing and future pharmacotherapy for erectile dysfunction

P. Perimenis, K. GiannitsasExpert Opinion Therapeutic Patents, 16 (No 9):1215-1222, 2006.

4. Preference for and adherence to oral phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Giannitsas K, Konstantinopoulos A, Patsialas C, Perimenis P.Patient Prefer Adherence. 2008 Feb 2;2:149-155.

5. Versatility of the ventral approach in bulbar urethroplasty using dorsal, ventral or dorsal plus ventral oral grafts.

Palminteri E, Berdondini E, Fusco F, De Nunzio C, Giannitsas K, Shokeir AA.Arab J Urol. 2012 Jun;10(2):118-24.

6. Male overactive bladder: pharmacotherapy for the male.

Giannitsas K, Athanasopoulos A.Curr Opin Urol. 2013 Nov;23(6):515-9.

7. The epidemiology of urinary complaints in women with pelvic organ prolapse: a five-year review

Giannitsas K, Illiano E, Natale F, Costantini E.Pelviperineology 2016; 35: 49-54

8. Comparison of the Efficacy of Tolterodine and Oxybutynin in Different Urodynamic Severity Grades of Idiopathic Detrusor Overactivity.

Giannitsas K, Perimenis P, Athanasopoulos A, Gyftopoulos K, Nikiforidis G, Barbalias G.European Urology, 46: 776- 783, 2004

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